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From Stable State

Democracy := a state form where all citizens are involved in the state's rule making decision processes. Also, in democracies the 3 processes of

  1. Rules making ("legislative")
  2. Rules executing ("executive")
  3. Judging on rules violations allegations ("judicative")

must be separated i.e. NOT be accumulated on the same human beings. However, this problem of forces accumulation is only acute when not all citizens jointly participate into the processes 1. and 3. The StableState insists that "1. Rules making" cannot be delegated to some "representatives". Instead, all rules and parameter changes (e.g. tax rates) are decided always by all citizens. Furthermore, "2. Rules executing" is then purely reduced to executing tasks and still delegated to elected executives. The 3rd process of "3. Judging ..." is delegated to the elected executives but can be escalated to involve all citizens.

The weakest form are "nominal democracies" where democratic rights are written but in reality an autocratic/dictatory system is in place. The next step are "representative democracies" where the citizens delegate the decision power to politicians they elect. This, however, we consider a form that is a "relict" from times where transportation and communication was underdeveloped compared to nowadays (2022). It has many disadvantages like biasing, corruption and non-transparency. Nowadays, each citizen should and can directly be involved in every decision that is of common impact. Only specialised questions (e.g. specific questions regarding a domain like medicine, gardening, cooking, ... that require specific competences to be judged on) shall be treated by qualified citizens. Note: qualified and not elected. All registered and educated professionals of a certain domain are these qualified citizens.

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