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From Stable State

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The Stable State is an evolving ruleset for people aiming at living together peacefully, respectfully and true. It is a very pure form of democracy. It is our hope that some day real communities and states will be organised according to this ruleset and, thus, become real Stable States. The entire world could be organised as 1 Stable State, so it is even a project to politically achieve what commercially, communication- and travel-wise is already a reality: we are one world, one planet.

The stable state is based on 3 ideals and laws:

which we think all people of all religions (or non-religions) and races can and must commit themselves to. Within these laws, we believe in the freedom of everybody to achieve a happy and prosperous life. Also, these laws never change, they cannot be changed.

A StableState's constitution

The constitution of a a Stable State named XY, hence, is very simple "The state of XY is foremost the people and also all other entities in its confines. It persues truth, respect and peace among the inhabitants, the nature and visitors. XY is true, respectful and peaceful towards its direct neigbour states and all states of this world. It assures to never attack or occupy land outside its confines and is open to peacefully and democratically merge with other Stable States." Note that it must not refer to any higher power, religion, race, nation or language. It must allow all people of all religions, races, languages, etc. to live with equal rights (and obligations) in the state.

All the organisational and processual details to achieve these ideals are defined with so called rules.

You may see the Stable State as a continuation of ideas and actions done by Thomas Sankara, Steve_Biko etc. Essentially, it means the political empowerment of ALL basically competent human beings. And it means NOT that a small so-called political elite decides and the rest bows their heads.

News and Discussions

2024-01-17: Ukraine and Russia still fighting - how to stop it

We have already commented on the Ukraine and Russia fighting here Archive of news and discussions#2022-05-31: Continued military actions of Russia in Ukraine and here Archive of news and discussions#2022-03-12: Military actions of Russia in Ukraine. They are still valid.

Today, we comment on how to stop this unnecessary fighting. And we mean to stop it with Russia retreating to Soviet-times Russian territory, i.e. adhere to the UN charta. Note beforehand, that the stable state is in favour of federate state parts, e.g. regions, 'states' that are not yet UN-recognised nations, or provinces being able to become independent or merge with other states, like Luhansk moving to Russia. BUT only with purely peaceful, non military-supported or threated and democratic processes with a neutrally observable and adhered to standard of what democratic means. We all know that democratic is just a word. And its meaning, e.g. in Switzerland, the US, China or Russia is rather different. And before we can reasonably use this word, we must define a minimal standard interpretation. Ideally one that can be observed by neutral parties, like the UN.

a) Russia under Putin and his mafioso entourage from outside have been and also in future can be stopped with military actions. Who would have thought in the first few days that Ukraine can withstand? But Ukraine did using smart military action. More on this line of solution you may want to read under points c) - f). What Putin would also very much fear, but Ukraine unfortunately does not do is, welcome all Russians and the Russian culture and language on Ukrainian territory. In many parts of Ukraine this has its tradition. The current enforcement and push of the Ukrainian language by Ukraine is not a good move. Putin does not fear Nato or Ukrainian culture or Nazis or whatever, only Russian democrats he fears. And Ukraine must host and support Russian democrats, Of course, only if each officially declares that the Russian Federation must stop the war and move back its armed forces to its territory as it was in Soviet and some 20 years after Soviet times.

b) From inside, it is the Russian people and especially famous ones including those who travel and act in the west, like all sportswomen and sportsmen, that must wake up from their attitude of 'politics is not my business' or 'I cannot comment'. This is a shameful attitude and the main reason for this war. If the normal people in a society and especially also famous people that are not politicians behave like sheep and leave all decisions to a small political elite, then, this is the start of dictatorships and armed power in the hands of few. Never has a true democracy started any war. And implicit in this statement is that we do not consider the US as a true democracy.

So, every Russian in the west, please raise your voice! ATP, WTA, Olympics, sportswomen, sportsmen, artists, etc. all should allow Russians to participate but only if they officially condemn their regime for starting this war and request Putin to stop it. And then, all must also have the guts to travel back to Russia. And also call all Russians to join this position. We doubt that Putin will put all those famous or less famous people into jail. Because it will all be just peaceful. Also, they might tell that they support and admire the strong Russian army and culture - but not for such a criminal action as to kill and destroy on Ukrainian territory. (And, of course, there will be smartasses that "define" Ukrainian territory as Russian territory. But it is very clear what all nations, also the Russian Federation, accepted as Ukrainian territory since 1954. And when this is to be changed, then, yes, why not, but only peacefully without armed forces.

c) We must not consider Ukraine as a war party. Instead, it is just defending. Considering Ukraine as equally being a war party as Russia makes this look like just 2 equally rude ruffians fighting after having insulted each other equally. But this is largely not the case. Ukraine is just a normal, anything else from being perfect, but sovereign state that never threatened to invade Russia. And talking Russian in the eastern provinces was never an issue and all, Ukrainian speakers and Russian speakers got along well. But, to take an analogy, while walking the streets suddenly the Ukraine guy gets attacked by the Russian guy.

d) Because Ukraine is not in war, but in defense, all countries in the world, also the neutral Switzerland, must help them with all what they can.

e) The most promising approach would be to immediately take the non-Russia-annexed part of Ukraine into Nato. Then, every attack by Russia on this territory would lead to a massive Nato intervention. But not onto Russia as it was in the Soviet Union but only until the borders of original Ukraine. Especially, the air supremacy over this territory would be achievable. And then, the Russians would be slowly but continually be pushed out. Of course, from the first moment on, before any military action Nato-side is done, offer peace. Also, not taking all in 1 massive swoosh. Instead, officially announce to Russia which city or part is next taken back. Then do it. Then offer peace again. Then announce the next piece. Take it. And offer peace again. So, the Russians will realise that they'll loose for sure.

With the current rather half-hearted support for Ukraine, this Russian assault will continue too long costing too many lives on both sides.

f) The nuclear threat is there. Onto Ukraine and onto Nato. Also China helping Russia. But Nato must be strong, be prepared and not rush into massive counter-attacks. With just fortifying, but really massively fortifying, the non-annexed part of Ukraine and likely the current frontline, there would be no justification for such a step. And this should remain for a while. Until Russia gets used to it. And then, the first city is announced to be liberated. This and the consequential military actions will be the critical step. Better not start with any prestitious one.

Archive of news and discussions


With all people fully understanding the 3 laws and adhering to them in their thoughts and deeds, no further rules would be necessary to achieve stable and prosperous communities (as prosperous as nature's forces allow). But the reality shows that, first, not all people equally understand and, second, adhere to these laws. Hence, some rules are in need according to which states, i.e. people living together, are organised.

Rules encompass (a) the meta-rules, (b) definitions (contained in our glossary), (c) parameters and (d) regulations, the latter grouped in the 7 domains of:

  1. Constitution
  2. Persons Administration
  3. Science, Culture and Sports (Education)
  4. Inner Security (Police)
  5. Justice
  6. Exterior Security (Army)
  7. Finances

In contrast to the 3 ideals and laws, the rules are subject to change and optimization towards achieving the ideals. Rules are defined, modified or removed by democratic processes that must involve all citizens. There are no elections in which the legislative power can be delegated. Also, each rule must fulfill the meta-rules.

State Design Principles

Before we can formulate the principles we need some terminology: A state is

- the set of persons living geographically together,

- the definition of this geographic space (i.e. the so called 'confines'), and

- the mandatory state interactions (events and actions) to get organised towards the ideals and laws of truth, respect and peace.

The rationale behind this definition is that while each person has the right to travel and move, even be constantly on the move, still, at a given point in time, each is located at a defined geographical location (somewhere). This means that we are geographcally forced to live and deal with other people; the closest, i.e. in the same home, hopefully carefully self-chosen and most others, our neighbours, are more or less not self-chosen. Within these people, we distinguish between permanent residents that are grown-up, i.e. the citizens and the visitors. However, there are any more persons-categories in-between and around those main categories as per domain 2, the persons administration and the definitional competence of the community

Freedom and self-responsibility

We believe that state interactions should be minimised and the freedom and self-responsibility of each person should be maximised. Having stated this one may defer that 'freedom' is never achievable to 100%. Hence, the word must be used carefully and never absolute. The freedom of one person is the limitation of the other. So it must carefully be balanced.

Assured equal rights and minimal standard of living

While freedom and self-responsibility of each person should be maximised, it is of utmost importance that equal rights and a community-defined minimal standard of living for all persons must be assured. The minimal standard of living must take the available natural ressources as well as human-made and maintained systems into account.

Visitors are not citizens

Visitors (short-time immigrants) are very welcome, must adhere to the laws and rules and have fair but reduced rights compared to the ones of the citizens. This is also true for extra-terrestrial 'visitors'. Note/12/2022: Currently, our definitions of persons are limited to human beings. Maybe, at some point in time, one should think broader.

Permanent immigrants have the right to become citizens

If visitors become permanent immigrants, they shall be given the opportunity and under some conditions be forced to become full citizens; the definition of 'permanent' again in the realms of the community.

The Agile State

Stable State basic decisions (elections and votes) are agile i.e. not delayable and taken at a given pace, the so-called state-cycles. Also, they are taken involving each community member equally. Hence, the Stable State is also known as Agile State and Agile Democracy. Also, the state's "event handling", i.e. the state's officials and/or automated devices acting according to the laws and rules is always non-delayable. There must be NO options to "play games" with delaying actions or decisions.


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