
From Stable State

Below is the priority of inheriting property when a human being dies. There are no testaments allowed. If one wants to donate to a natural or juristic person, then one must do so while living. A possible form are registered rent contracts, cf. domain 7, finances.

The ranks below are meant that the entire property goes to the persons in the rank, if those relatives exist.

The term 'completely dead' for a human being is defined as dead and also no direct or indirect children are alive.

A prerequisite to being able to inherit is to be not retired and not helpless - in rare cases even a registered unborn (registered pregnancy) can inherit, but only if at the time of death it is already registered.

  1. The partner(s) in a marriage.
  2. The direct and/or indirect children - the property is divided by the number of not completely dead children at the first level where this number is not 0. This rule is applied recursively, i.e. when a dead child has living (direct or indirect) children, it goes to them.
  3. The siblings full or half - the property is divided by the number of not completely dead siblings, half only count half and if dead siblings have living direct or indirect children, then their share is split among them.
  4. The cousins - the property is divided by the number of not completely dead cousins and if dead cousins have living direct or indirect children (= nieces and nephews), then their share is split among them.
  5. The direct or indirect parents

If neither a married partner nor children nor siblings nor cousins/nieces/nephews nor non-retired parents exist, then the property goes to the state. The treasurer is then responsible to sell this property within 24 months (parameter) as good as it gets. If after that the property still exists, then the police must correctly destroy it (recycle, renaturate, burn).

The first inheritor is the oldest or the oldest married couple if there is more than one inheritor.