The justice within a state decides in the cases of conflicts between persons and violations of the laws and is headed by the judge couple.
The rules and tasks begin with defining when and how a juristical process starts and how it is conducted.
Then, there are rules and tasks that clearly and uncompromisingly define the fines and punishments.
Finally, there are rules and tasks to enforce the sentences, especially how prisons work.
What the Justice owns: nothing
- No room for varying decisions for most of the cases.
- Local judgements first, then escalating.
- No deputies allowed before court - each must accuse, defend and speak for him-/herself.
- All processes, facts and findings are public.
- Crowd-judgements; only in non-obvious cases.
- Wealth-proportional fines.
- Prisons are self-managed and work is required by prisoners - so that the monthly cost per prisoner is below a democratically defined limit.
J.01 Automatic judgements
Many, actually by design as many as possible, violations of the laws of truth, respect and peace are so clearly regulated that no variable judgment is needed. Instead, in such cases, the judge's duty is just to officially record who did which violation, the prison and financial punishment. This must be done within 24 hours of the violation becoming noticed by the judge and/or submitted to him.
The offender can then accept or object or flee. What he/she chooses becomes obvious immediately or at least at the next monthly basic community meeting.
Accept: This is also officially recorded and the punishment starts on the next work day.
Object: This is officially recorded and a process is started.
Flee: This is when the judgement cannot be transmitted successfully and/or the offender does not appear at the next basic community meeting. In all cases the guard who submits the judgement must try to catch the offender. He immediately submits a call for catch into the entire stable state and all guards, their assistants and helpers must help catching the offender. If known to be on holiday/not reachable then one waits but a maximum of 1 (parameter) month. Fleeing is equal to accepting. Only if reasonably giving evidence that the offender could not know and not be reached then a flee can be objected. If a flee is successful (then likely fleeing outside the stable state), the judgment cannot be enforced. (Cooperation with the police of other states can be done, but not enforced). However, as soon as the offender returns into the stable state, the judgment will be executed immediately.
J.02 Non-automatic judgements and objections - a juristical process
The process starts with collecting all evidence on the case by the judge. He/she can order help by the guards but also all other citizens. This must be done within 2 weeks. Also the accused does so and hands it in to the judge in the same delay.
After 1 week the exact delict is formulated by the judge. And, hence, the sentence/punishment is also clear.
If defendant or judge want to challenge the evidence, then they get another 2 weeks to do so.
Then, after 1 more week, the judge declares the sentence/punishment.