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From Stable State

Peace can be inferred as respect for the body and for the entities a human being owns. It has great importance and some additional implications and is therefore an explicit principle. The aspects of peace for each individual (and machines constructed) are defined as follows:

Peace is :=

P.1 := not to threaten others of attacking or violating explicitly nor with gestures or other non-verbal forms (don't threat)

P.2 := to allow free passage to and in public areas. This implies that areas that are only privately accessible must be recognisable as such. But, of course, it does not mean that all privately owned property is only privately accessible (free movement)

Example 1: the houses (or tents or caravans) we live in are without explicit signalling only privately accessible

Example 2: a railway station, mall or other privately owned property is publicly accessible during the signalled opening times for the intended purpose.

P.3 := not to physically violate others' bodies. Again, as with the ideal of truth, the intent of the violator is irrelevant but the aspect of self-fault of the injured comes into the discussion. If there is such a clear self-fault, then the presumed violator is not considered to have broken this law (don't violate)

Example: If I trespass a road without respecting the regulations of the road operator and get hurt by a car, then the driver as the presumed violator is not be considered as such.

P.4 := allow contact sports := certain contact sports like boxing or football must formulate exemption rules from P.3 don't violate. Especially, however, it must be assured that P.5 don't kill is unconditionally fulfilled. Even presumably accidential non-repairable functional inhuries or even death cases have severe consequences for the direct causer(s). So, when doing sports, you should decide to hold back instead of striking when your opponent or partner might be severely hurt. If the damage is done, there will be no excuse. On the other hand, if you participate in a contact sport or any sport, you accept the risk of injuries (like even losing a tooth, breaking some limb or the likes) if occurring within the regulations of the sport.

P.5 := not to kill which is the ultimate aspect of the law of peace. The same consideration regarding intent and self-fault as for P.3, the violation aspect, is be made (don't kill)

But peace is never for free. It means that all persons must prepare and contribute to defend the peace against threats or attacks stemming from state-external opponents and state-internal entities.

P.6 := to prepare for self-defense and self-defend yourself and help your family and friends, especially in the case no or not sufficient police is present, when being attacked. Each self-defence has the goal to stop the attack and identify the attacker. It must not go further (individual duty for self-defence)

Consequence: Each person must be educated in self-defense skills and apply these in periodic training settings. The goal is that the "casual" attacker has a hard time and people thinking about attacking know that they are likely to get hurt in the course of action. Also, against possible state-external attacks, the stable state people are prepared to defend themselves and presumably known for this. The idea is to enable the majority of "good ones" to have and handle arms skilfully and not to leave this to the few "bad ones".

Then, peace for the state as a whole means:

P.7 := never attack other states or parts thereof (never attack)

P.8 := do not intervene in conflicts between other states or within other states (be neutral)

And we need more exemption rules to educate and defend law and order:

P.9 := parents or other owners of the responsibilty for other human beings are exempt from the law of peacefulness against their children or patronized humans to educate and keep order. Violence or restricting free movement must be minimal (limited peace-exemption for parents towards their children)

P.10 := against state-internal threats and attackers nominated persons, forming the police, are exempt from the law of peacefulness towards the misbehaving individuals to protect the society. The police staff is clearly visible as such, is normally unarmed and uses violence to a minimal extent (limited peace-exemption for nominated persons, the police staff, towards state-internal attackers)

P.11 := in the case of an external threat or attack, all persons are exempt from the law of peacefulness towards the state-external opponents to protect the entire community. In normal times, this aspect does not apply at all. However, in wartimes, which are declared by the state's alarming procedures, it applies. It also implies that means must be taken to allow safe distinction between friend and foe (peace-exemption for all towards state-external attackers)


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