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From Stable State

Truth is always given in the present. The difficulties appear when making statements about the future and the past. Hence, we define 10 aspects of it.

Truth is :=

T.1 := the fundament of the universe, mathematics, physical and biological processes (in nature we can trust)

T.2 := not some meta-physical concept, but is facts-based, mathematical and scientific. This means that true statements or facts or prediction models (formulas) can be tested and verified (or not yet falsified at least) by all that want to do so (can be verified)

T.3 := personal accountability, i.e. accurately and completely report about the self-experienced past if asked for (report truely)

T.4 := to predict the future in the personal (or as a company's representative) responsibility correctly (personal reliability)

Example: Being on time at an appointment.

Reason: When collaborating it is of foremost importance to be reliable, i.e. do what is promised on time and at most at the cost communicated. In cases of imminent deviations, which should be the exception cases, their communication as early as possible is required.

T.5 := to be skilled in the profession and the day to day activities, e.g. cooking, cleaning, buying and storing food and other necessities (be competent)

Example: caring for sustainable resources usage, if there are available and affordable options, you must choose the more sustainable one.

Consequence 1: each human being has the duty and right to get the appropriate education.

Consequence 2: the knowledge and skills must be maintained throughout lifetime.

Consequence 3: strive to improve (use what you learned, honour traditions, but think, from time to time, about improving, i.e. could the same be done with less effort, quicker, using less ressources? … or does it have to remain the same, at all?)

Consequence 4: assist in educating others when need becomes apparent or you are asked for.

T.6 := not to disseminate untrue information spoken or written nor exhibit non-professional behaviour independent of the intentions except in contexts T.9 and T.10 (communicate truely)

T.7 := to hold your mouth shut and learn first, if you don’t know a subject (know or declare "I don't know")

Consequence 1: facts and current state of knowledge must be clearly distinguishable from other information (which includes fake news).

Consequence 2: no rules must be based on other information.

Recommendation: still and of course, privately and company-internal you may use any information and processes to work and decide, but we recommend to stick to facts and knowledge also in your private and professional life.

T.8 := to declare generic predictions or hypotheses or so-called opinions as such and never to state them as if a fact, and to attribute a probability which must be based on facts and knowledge. Also, there is freedom of opinions but it ends when falsified hypotheses or statements are still communicated as valid opinions. This then is treated as a violation of the requirement T.6 of communicating truely (clear opinion declaration)

Examples: Wrong: If Switzerland would join the EU, the Swiss economy would grow. Correct version 1: If Switzerland would join the EU, we cannot predict the effects on Swiss economy. Correct version 2: I believe that if Switzerland would join the EU, the Swiss economy would grow with high (=80% or more) probability, because … [such and such and such]

T.9 := to allow that among friends teasing, joking and irony, which includes telling "bullshit", is part of day-to-day communication. However, it must not be used in serious circumstances nor with unknown people (allow teasing)

T.10 := to allow fairy tales, irony and fiction also in appropriate public contexts and cultural productions (allow fiction)


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