Parameters list
Below you find all parameters, i.e. numeric values decided by all citizens democratically, listed by logical groups.
Note that some regulations contain numeric values that are not parameters, too. Those are values we believe are more fixed, like 1 month being the state-cycle. However, with a regulation change, one may also change these values. There, the decision for an eventual new value is binary and cannot be proportional to the yes-percentage achieved. But: one may also propose two rule changes, the first to make a parameter out of a fixed numeric value and the second to vote on the value change as a parameter change vote (C.09.5).
The parameters, if not stated otherwise, are defined for the entire stable state to be the same. Some, however, can be decided regional, i.e. each region can decide for a different value.
Note: a cost percentage always refers to the monthly cost of living as 100%. Most, if not all, financial/monetary values are defined this way to reflect changing overall costs (inflation, deflation).
Constitution parameters (58 state-wide, 7 regional + <n> price-battle ranges per industry and region)
Communities parameters
p_c_minimum_citizens_in_basic_community, 40 (integer > 0)
p_c_minimum_marriages_in_basic_community, 14 (integer > 0)
p_c_maximum_citizens_in_basic_community, 280 (integer > p_c_minimum_citizens_in_basic_community)
p_c_minimum_sub_communities_in_higher_order_community, 5 (integer > 0)
p_c_maximum_sub_communities_in_higher_order_community, 11 (integer > p_c_minimum_sub_communities_in_higher_order_community)
p_c_maximum_community_order_mandatory_coherent, 2 (integer >= 0)
p_c_minimum_meters_of_thinnest_part_of_coherent_community, 50 (integer > 0)
p_c_minimum_citizens_in_region, 30'000 (integer > p_c_maximum_citizens_in_basic_community)
p_c_maximum_built-vs-free-land-ratio_in_region, 10% (rational number > 0)
p_c_month_communities_can_violate_minmax_rules, 6 months (integer > 0)
Comments on communities parameters
These parameters control the size and balancedness of communities. Also, regions are defined with them. Regions have special 'rights': they can leave a state, they can have experimental rules, and some parameters are defined regional.
Borders parameters
p_c_border_stone_height, 100 cm (integer > 0)
p_c_border_stone_width, 50 cm (integer > 0)
p_c_border_stone_depth, 20 cm (integer > 0)
p_c_border_stone_minimum_distance_from_border, 20 cm (integer > 0)
p_c_minimum_water_border_distance_no_marking_required, 5'000 metres (rational number > 0)
p_c_maximum_water_distance_to_other_country_with_middle_border, 20'000 metres (rational number > 0)
p_c_minimum_flying_armed_object_distance, 50'000 metres (rational number > 0)
p_c_years_historic_borders_expire, 5 years (integer > 0)
p_c_minimum_border_violation_punishment_months, 1 month (integer > 0)
Comments on borders parameters
These parameters control the borders to foreign states. We hope that someday, the last such border falls on earth. Then, maybe, one must start to define space borders or zones in agreement with foreign extraterrestrial civilisations - and defend them. Too far from the current reality to really think of; but one never knows how fast such issues can pop up.
Time parameters - regional
p_c_precision_of_lunch_times, 1 quarter hour (integer > 0)
p_c_standard_work_start_before_lunch, 16 quarter hours (integer > 0)
p_c_standard_lunch_break, 4 quarter hours (integer > 0)
p_c_standard_shop_opening_before_work_start, 2 quarter hours (integer > 0)
p_c_maximum_shop_opening_before_work_start, 6 quarter hours (integer > 0)
p_c_standard_shop_closing_after_work_end, 6 quarter hours (integer > 0)
p_c_maximum_shop_closing_after_work_end, 14 quarter hours (integer > 0)
Time parameters - state-wide
p_c_earliest_lunch_time_with_work_week_beginning_sunday, 4 quarter hours (integer > 0) = 2 o'clock lunch time
p_c_standard_work_hours_per_day 34 quarter hours (integer > 0), = 8.5 hours
p_c_maximum_work_hours_per_day 64 quarter hours (integer > 0), = 16 hours
p_c_maximum_work_hours_per_week 80 hours (integer > p_c_maximum_work_hours_per_day)
p_c_maximum_work_hours_per_month 240 hours (integer > p_c_maximum_work_hours_per_week)
p_c_maximum_work_hours_per_year 2'400 hours (integer > p_c_maximum_work_hours_per_month)
p_c_minimum_work_offtime_weeks 6 weeks (integer > 0)
Comments on time parameters
We have a set of time parameters that are regionally defined, i.e. when is 'normal' lunch time, when 'normal' work starts and when shops can be open. And we have another set defining standard and maximum work hours as well as minimum offtime weeks (holiday weeks) which must be the same for the entire state. Each individual shop or work contract can define times as desired but mandatory within the contraints set by the maximum/minimum parameters.
Price-battle ranges
p_c_<industry>_price_battle_range, <nn> kilometres (rational number > 0), optionally and regionally defined p_c_minimum_price_difference_for_products_from_far_away, 10% (rational number > 0)
Comments on price-battle ranges
This is a quite comprehensive set of parameters that each region can define per industry to 'defend' the region from getting industries destroyed by just cheaper (but not better) products or services made from far away. Those parameters define per industry what 'far' means in kilometres.
Room unit parameters
p_c_years_usage_types_remain_after_room_unit_acquisition, 20 years (integer number > 1)
p_c_maximum_community_order_without_wild_area, 1 (integer > 0)
p_c_minimum_wild_area_percentage, 5% (rational number > 0)
p_c_minimum_community_land_area_with_large_connected_wild_area, 4'900 km2 (rational number > 0)
p_c_minimum_width_of_connected_wild_area, 1'000 metres (rational number > 0)
p_c_minimum_large_connected_wild_area, 900 km2 (rational number > 0)
p_c_maximum_number_of_visitors_of_wild_area, 10 human beings (integer >= 0)
p_c_water_surface_percentage_wild, 50% (rational number > 0)
p_c_sky_percentage_wild, 90% (rational number > 0)
Comments on room unit parameters
Most room unit parameters regulate how wild areas, i.e. those left to nature must be defined. The stablestate thinks this is very important - but the exact extents shall be democratically set by parameter voting C.09.5.
Decision making in state-cycles parameters
p_c_minimum_assembly_records_keeping_duration, 5 years (integer > 1)
p_c_minimum_state_cycles_for_facts_before_a_vote, 1 state-cycle (integer > 0)
p_c_minimum_yes_vote_percentage, 10% (rational number > 0)
p_c_minimum_yes_vote_percentage_for_full_parameter_change_accept, 10% (rational number > 0)
p_c_percentage_over_50_percent_for_basic_accept, 10% (rational number > 0)
p_c_percentage_over_60_percent_for_qualified_accept, 10% (rational number > 0)
p_c_severly_failed_vote_fine, 2 BME (rational number > 1)
Comments on decision making parameters
We think that changes to the rules should have a clear majority of >50% yes to get through. Else, votes, e.g. like the Brexit, are 'accidential' and lead to unnecessary hassles. There must be a clear need to change. But the exact extent of the required majorities must be democratically defined.
Elections parameters
p_c_years_of_representatives_duty, 4 years (integer > 1)
p_c_basic_community_representative_monthly_salary, 2 BME (rational number > 1)
p_c_community_order_dependent_representative_monthly_salary_increase, 1.5 (rational number > 1)
Comments on elections parameters
Those parameters allow stability and change. And the salary regulations eliminate, again, many sources for corruption with high expenses bills or other additional 'things' that can be paid in current states/communities.
Democratic process parameters
p_c_yearly_forecast_period, 10 years (integer > 5)
p_c_decade_forecast_period, 100 years (integer > 20)
p_c_maximum_minutes_per_commenter_and_part, 2 minutes (rational number > 0)
p_c_maximum_minutes_per_reply_on_comment, 1 minute (rational number > 0)
p_c_same_proposal_submitted_fine, 1 BME (rational number > 0)
p_c_minimum_percentage_of_subcommunities_accept, 60% (rational number > 50%)
p_c_experimental_phase_duration, 5 years (integer > 2)
Comments on democratic process parameters
We must look ahead before deciding on changes. Also, the official discussion must be fair, i.e. the same speakers times must be defined and strictly enforced for all. And we believe in real experiments over theoretical forecasts.
Embassies and state visits parameters
p_c_maximum_embassy_buildings_per_foreign_state, 1 (integer > 0)
p_c_maximum_ambassadors_per_foreign_state. 2 (integer > 0)
p_c_maximum_additional_embassy_employees_per_foreign_state, 10 (integer > 0)
p_c_minimum_representatives_present_at_state_visits, 3 (integer > 0)
Comments on embassies and state visits parameters
We must honour other states. As soon as a stablestate gets really large (like covering millions of suare kilometres), then maybe we should raise p_c_maximum_embassy_buildings_per_foreign_state to 2 and also increase other of the above parameters.
Persons administration parameters
Science, culture and sports parameters
Inner security parameters
Justice parameters
Exterior security parameters
Finances parameters
p_f_free_medic_per_year_cost_percentage, 20% BME (rational number > 0)