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Science, Culture and Sports

From Stable State


The science, culture and sports domain of a state promotes science, culture and sports and is headed by the educator couple. Only graduated citizens can be elected as the educator couple; this applies to both persons.

The science rules and tasks publish the official knowledge in the form of educational and encyclopedic material and promote its continuing further development. This includes practical common and profession-specific competences. Children must be educated and pass tests and challenges in their process of becoming full grown citizens. And also citizens/professionals must continually refresh their knowledge and competences. Each community has its elected and sponsored scientist (at least one, maybe more) that knows, conserves and explains current knowledge best in the community and also is engaged in research and further development of this knowledge.

The cultural rules and tasks conserve recognised cultural sites, habits and material and also support the continuing development. This includes practical competences in the musical, dancing, clothing, building, painting, sculpting, writing, performing or other cultural domains that may be local-specific, regional, national or international. Children must be culturally educated and perform in at least 2 cultural domains every year in the course of their education. Each community has its elected and sponsored artist (at least one, maybe more) that is the most skilled in the community and performs locally, regionally, nationally and maybe also internationally.

The sports rules and tasks conserve physical training, sports and games rules and self-defense techniques material. This includes practical competences in those sports, games and defense techniques that each child must acquire and demonstrate. Official competitions are organised. Each community has its elected and sponsored athlete (at least one, maybe more) that is the most sporty of the community and performs locally, regionally, nationally and maybe also internationally.

This domain could also be named the 'Education' domain. But the stable state does not provide itself education - it only requires education for all and does the quality checking/testing.

What the Science, Culture and Sports department owns

The secure state IT infrastructure (hardware and software) where all data is stored. It is used by all departments and developed/supported by the Scientists. The Scientists know it all - while parts, of course, may be produced/purchased from private providers (according to the Scientists designs/blueprints - no blackboxes allowed).


  • Science
    • General knowledge and facts are officially published, can be challenged and are continually developed. It is categorised in basic competences and advanced competences.
    • The basic competences include practical "household" competences that preserve resources and that are thaught to everybody and enforced.
    • Only persons that pass the basic competences test are citizens with all rights.
    • Industries are defined and industry-specific knowledge, facts and learning material are established and maintained by the professional association per industry.
    • Each person has the right and duty to get educated and aquire the basic competences and advanced competences in one ore more professions.
    • Professionals of an industry must be organised in professional associations and engage in continuing development of their competences as defined by the professional association.
    • Fake news, also known as lies or untrue statements, are revealed, made recognisable and communicators of fake news are always punished with clear rules.
  • Culture
    • Cultural skills and performances are promoted.
    • Cultural and historical sites and buildings are preserved.
  • Sports
    • Each human being must be physically fit.
    • Each human being can defend himself or herself - so that possible attackers know that it will hurt to attack.
    • Physical skills and performances (competitions) are promoted.


SCS.01 Truth publishing

SCS.01.01 True publications

Each publication (book, article, drawing/chart, web page, presentation, public speech, ...) must only contain true statements.

SCS.01.02 Fiction is clearly declared

Except from SCS.01.01 if clearly declared as 'fiction'.

SCS.01.03 No anonymous publications

Each publication must have the author(s), location (a basic community) and date(time) indicated. Anonymous publications are destroyed (by Inner Security).

SCS.01.04 Publication ID and versions

Each publication must have a stem ID (= fixed URL) that remains the same on updates. Old versions and planned revisions must be published using the stem ID and a version ID. The current release is accessible with just the stem ID.

SCS.02 Official Knowledge

SCS.02.01 Official knowledge publication

Knowledge is published / updated by the educators and committees on the specific URL 'knowledge.<country-tld>'. It can (must) be used as reference as well as teaching material for the respective knowledge categories.

SCS.02.02 Verification and validation

Before publication it undergoes a verification and validation process by the committee of each of the knowledge categories and industries and research domains. Therefore, the quality of the content of www.knowledge.<tls> can be assumed to be high. Still, each published statement anytime can be challenged

SCS.03 Truth challenging process

SCS.03.01 Where to place the challenge for publications and basic official knoweldge

Each statement of a non-knowledge or official basic knowledge publication can be challenged by any citizen at the educator couple of the basic community where the publication was made.

SCS.03.02 The challenge

The challenge must (1) cite the statement or statements of the publication as original, then (2) propose the correction (which can be deleting, adding or changing statments with change highlighting) and (3) provide evidence and/or the rationale for the change.

SCS.03.03 Formal check

The educator couple checks the formal validity of those 3 elements within 1 hour. (On disagreements, this can be raised by the challenger)

SCS.03.04 Challenge publication

5 days before the next community assembly this challenge, if formally correct, is published in the community. (And if the challenge was submitted too close to this deadline, then the overnext sommunity assembly will be the one)

SCS.03.05 Challenge presentation, original defense

At community assembly, depending on the nature of the challenge, the evidence must be produced/demonstrated by the challenger on the spot. Also, the challenge is presented in a max. 5 minutes talk by the challenger. And the authors may defend the original, optionally also with evidence demonstrations, in another max. 5 minutes. Or the authors may support the challenge.

SCS.03.06 Vote

Then, there will be a vote on the challenge according to C.09.6 Basic democratic decisions (cf. Constitution).

SCS.03.07 Where to place the challenge for higher-order official knoweldge

Higher-order knowledge categories publications can be challenged and voted only by respective exam absolvents. The community level where those challenges are placed and treated are such that at least 20 or the total of respective exam absolvents of the entire state can vote on it. The educator couple of the basic community where the publication has been made, tells the challenger where to place his/her challenge. Else, the process is as for normal challenges, except with the filter on voters (just exam absolvents of the higher-order domain/industry/profession).

  1. Science: Collect and publish knowledge (non-person related facts, statistics, mathematical definitions and proofed theorems, non-falsified theories in any field, practical knowledge of any profession, practical knowledge for 'households' (buying, cleaning, nutrition, waste disposal, home gardening, transport, ...) . Only the community approved knowledge base is the one to take into account for community decisions. This knowledge is categorised into:
    • Basic generic knowledge/candidate citizen: this everybody has the right and duty to learn and know, i.e. get educated for. Offerings by education providers are paid for until each person either passes the basic exam (organised by the educator) or is 15 years old or older or has failed 3 attempts. Faileds are not citizens with full rights, i.e. cannot vote/elect, cannot be elected, cannot marry/partner) and need a citizen who adopts them (voluntary or, by duty if no voluntary is found, the state's representative of persons administration (domain 2).
    • Advanced generic knowledge/graduated candidate citizen: this everybody has the right to know, but is voluntary. Offerings by education providers are paid for if the person passes the annual basic qualifying exams (1 retry allowed). This knowledge can be aquired parallel to the basic generic and industry knowledge. In the end, the student passes the advanced exam (organised by the state's representative for science, culture and sports) or is 20 years old or older and has failed 2 attempts
    • Superior specialised knowledge/doctorate citizen: This only absolvents of advanced generic knowledge have the right to learn. Offerings by education providers are paid for if the person passes the annual superior qualifying exams (1 retry allowed). It takes 2 (or maximum 4) years after the advanced exam and there are specialisations defined per industry or industry group.
    • Industry basic knowledge/professional citizen: This every citizen with passed basic knowledge exam has the right and duty to learn. Apprentices offered by (industries) companies are subsidised. Depending on the industry, this takes 4, 5 or 6 (+ 1 for retries) years after basic or advanced exam. Faileds are not citizens with full rights, i.e. cannot vote/elect, cannot be elected, cannot marry/partner) and need a citizen who adopts them (voluntary or, by duty if no voluntary is found, the state's representative of persons administration (domain 2).
    • Industry advanced knowledge/senior citizen: This only absolvents of advanced generic exam, industry basic knowledge exam and 4 years of practice in industry after the latter have the right to learn, but is voluntary. Apprentices offered by (industries) companies are subsidised. Depending on the industry, this takes 2, 3 or 4 (+ 1 for retries) years.
    • Industry superior knowledge/expert citizen: This only absolvents of either the industry advanced knowledge exam (if existing for this industry/profession) or superior specialised exam have the right to learn and is voluntary. Studies (including at least 2 years of practices) offered by (industries) companies are subsidised. Depending on the industry, this takes 4 to 6 (+ 1 for retries) years after qualification. E.g. medicine doctors are this.
    • Researcher knowledge/professor citizen: When you have passed the superior knowledge exam and are a doctorate citizen, then you may submit a research work in a domain to this domain's researchers committee. It is evaluated and you must present it in a public defense. If accepted, then you are a professor in that domain and qualify to do further research and teaching in this domain. Nb: Facts about persons/individuals are stored by all other domains according to the confidentiality required. In lawsuits, extended facts about the accused or profiled persons/individuals are investigated by justice (domain 5) supported by inner security (domain 4).
  1. Community Scientist/researcher: Each basic community and higher order community elects 1 scientist among its inhabitants that receives the state representatives salary for 1 year. He/she is obliged to contribute to the collected/published knowledge. Optionally, additional scientists can be elected.
  2. Community Artist: Each basic community and higher order community elects 1 artist among its inhabitants that receives the state representatives salary for 1 year. He/she is obliged to hold at least 2 events after the monthly gatherings per year. Optionally, additional artists can be elected.
  1. Community Athlete: Each basic community and higher order community elects 1 athlete among its inhabitants that receives the state representatives salary for 1 year. He/she is obliged to perform at least 4 times after the monthly gatherings per year. Optionally, additional athlete can be elected.


E.SCS.1 Minimal citizen competences definition - read/write (2 languages), household/gardening, maths, sports, science, arts/culture, history

E.SCS.2 Industry and professions definition (new, change, delete)

E.SCS.3 Industry/professions competences definition

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