Persons administration

From Stable State
Revision as of 21:04, 24 July 2022 by Moser at acm dot org (talk | contribs) (P.09 and P.10 (merged 10 and 11))


The persons administration of a state and the communities registers the persons, both human beings and juristic persons (e.g. companies) and is headed by the secretary couple.

The rules and tasks begin with registering the newborns and managing people's major life status from childhood, being in education, becoming full citizen, maybe getting married (maybe divorced), get superannuated and finally the death.

Then, there are visitors rules and tasks that deal with foreigners travelling through, the so-called visitors, and eventually wanting to stay, working or not working. Also, there are persons dynamics rules and tasks that regulate moving out and in a community, absences, sickness/accident-caused leaves, unemployment, helplessness and disappearances.

Finally, juristic persons, i.e. companies and associations, are registered as well as their owners.


  • A clear definition of human beings (natural persons) and ID issueing.
  • All are treated with the same clear scheme.
  • No privileged people (e.g. no kings, no nobles).
  • Enforce education and violence-free childhood.
  • Support human beings with permanent reduced abilities (health issues)
  • Prevent over-population.
  • Prevent refugee streams.
  • A clear definition of companies and associations (juristical persons) - possessions of juristical persons are distributed proportionally onto human beings. Hence (cf. the taxation rules), no need for company taxes.
  • Foundation of a juristical person is free - but must register products and services latest after 2 years.
  • Products and services registration per company - must deliver - product and services ratings - products and services search engine (directory) - products waste disposal fees upfront charging (cf. domain 7 finances)
  • No information exchange with foreign countries. (This may look like a lowlight - but we consider it a highlight, because it enforces a clear separation of concerns: our state cares for itself - other states shall care for their own. If 2 states want to go together they shall merge; with 'Stable States' this is an easy and well-defined process)


P.01 Register pregnancy

P.01.1 Register a pregnancy

An unborn human being is registered. I.e. a pregnancy by a female is officially declared. The father is also registered, mostly, not always. ==> from then on, this child is (or these children are) protected. It is not necessary that the number of unborn children are known.

P.01.2 The woman's decision

It is a controversially percieved topic WHEN a human being begins to exist and the protection by the communitiy starts. The stable state says that it is the woman's decision until the pregnancy becomes visible (and is tested positively by an independent physician in case the woman challenges this). When the pregnancy becomes visible, then the secretary must register it.

P.01.3 Abortions

An abortion before this registry is a woman's or couple's private decision and shall be done with all due medical care. An abortion after this registry is only allowed when severe medical indications are given. In all cases, the death of unborn after the registry must treated as per PM.06, hence, it can be a natural death or not.

P.01.4 Medical help to get pregnant

All woman's pregnancies are allowed, i.e. pregnancies established with a bit or very much (e.g. in vitro for some first moments) medical help.

P.01.5 No ex-copore created human beings

More than 5% (parameter) of the 9 month normal pregnancy timespan, extra-human/woman, human being creation 'techniques' are not allowed. If revealed, the created human beings must remain 'helpless' as per P.13 for their entire life and the creators, if caught, are considered to have violated the law of peace as per aspect P.2 (free passage) against their created human beings and get punished accordingly.

Comments on P.01 register pregnancy

Be assured that most couples look very much foward to having a baby and no woman wants an abortion. So, it shall never be forbidden for non-scientific reasons. Yes, unborn life shall be protected - but when a woman, in the very early stages of pregnancy, decides not to have the baby or there are medical reasons indicating it, then the life of an unborn human being has lower priority than that of the carrying woman or her will.

The people advocating that abortion is quivalent to killing are mostly the same that would think that a father is allowed to punish his child as far as severe injuries incur or even death happens if it does not obey. Killing ok, if the father, holy head of the family and family honor, does it - killing not ok, when the mother does it. The stablestate strictly goes the scientific and also gender-agnostic way. There are no such things as holy or divine orders.

P.02 Register a newborn

P.02.1 Register a newborn human being

A perfect event in most cases. The first name(s), last name(s), biological gender, mother and, mostly, father are registered and a unique ID (URL) issued.

If the stablestate is in an overpopulation mode, then the parent must have a child license. If not, they are fined, as long as the child does not get an unused child license, with a 20% (parameter) BME contribution every month and the child is given to adoption according to P.13.

P.02.2 Fathership

There can be cases where the fathership is a 'problem' and challenged. The mother can name 1 candidate father and he can accept or not. If not, a DNA medical test is conducted (maybe with 1 or 2 independent double checks if requested). If the candidate father does not agree with doing the test, this automatically means he accepts the fathership. If the test is done and reveals the father, then he is registered. Else, the child just has a mother. The mother cannot name a 2nd or even more other candidates. In summary: the father of a child is optional to know.

P.02.3 No mother known

Rarely, newborns are just deposited somewhere (ideally at some hospital's box) and found. Then, this is treated with the 'helpless' rules as per P.13 if the child lives. If it is found dead, we must treat it as per P.06.

Comments on P.02 register a newborn

The birth of a child shall be welcome and positive event. The stablestate issues an ID and the newborn shall receive all protection of the community and become a full citizen in the end.

However, we think it becomes obvious, that we cannot allow humanity to multiply without contraints on this big but also small earth. The bible's word 'be fruitful and multiply ...' is outdated in this unconditional form. The resources are limited and all the land needed for the plants, animals, transport, mining and energy production to feed and support so many human beings is not available ad libitum. Neither its use is always sustainable and depending on the nature of usage it takes 10, 100, 1'000 or even more years to recover - and some of nature's ressources get destroyed for ever.

Therefore, the stablestate introduces the overpopulation situation. Note that its parameters are democratically decided. But when it is there, then not all possible parents are allowed to have a child (or more children than they already have). And if they still have one, they are fined rather severely per non-allowed child. Also, they are not allowed to have this child - it goes to forced adoption.

To many these regulation seem harsh, inhuman and not necessary. Others say that there will be deseases, natural catastrophies, famines and wars that will reduce the population. We think that the latter is harsh, inhuman and not necessary. Instead, the rational and wise people shall define regulations that limit the overall population before catastrophies must happen. The proposed ones can be changed, for sure - but it is good to have them.

P.03 Manage childhood (education) until full citizenship

Introduction: This is an extremely important phase of a human being and either shapes trueful, respectful and peaceful people or not. Each human being must receive proper education but also the certainty that applying knowledge and skills, being a honest professional when grown up, is more rewarding than steal others property using violence to force others doing whatever, be corrupt or become member of a mafia organisation.

P.03.1 Ready for schooling

This is the first test conducted under the management of persons administration according to the newest tests developed by domain 3, science, culture and sports. The main requirement is that the child can speak and understand at least one of the languages. The parents (or single parent) registers 2 state-cycles before the test, then the test is conducted and at the basic community assembly the child is brought along, says something small for half a minute, and is then officially acclaimed as a school child. If a child can speak and is at least 7 years old, then when it is present at the assembly (which must be the case 2 times a year, according to C.09.01), it can also register itself. In this case, the secretary conducts a short interview with the child of some 1 minute to make sure, the child is really ready for school.

P.03.2 Basic school: early school tests - become candidate citizen

Whenever a child started school (this needs not be synchronized with all children, but likely it will be easier to do so), after each 14 months latest, it shall pass the yearly 1 day tests developed by domain 3, science, culture and sports for that year. It is the children themselves that apply for the tests. After 6 years of such continually harder tests passed, the school children qualify to pass the basic generic knowledge test and become candidate citizens. This test takes 5 days, Monday to Friday - it covers science, culture and sports tests as well as practical daily life competences. It as few stressful phases, when quick work is required. But mostly it is rather relaxed - more a party than a test.

They can have 3 failed attempts for the yearly and the end tests in total and must not be older than 10 years of what they were when getting ready for schooling. They have then the duty to pass a more practical education to become an industry-specific professional (cf. P.03.3) or persue the academic path (cf. P.03.4) to become full citizen.

For elder human beings, e.g. visitors that want or have to become citizens, that must pass this test, it can be abbreviated. Some or all of the 6 yearly tests can be skipped. It is the candidate's responsiblity and plan of preparation to decide this.

All schooling fees are paid by the state up to 1/8 BME per child with a 10% participation of the parents. But the schooling is left to private organisations to be provided or be done by the parents themselves.

P.03.3 Apprenticeship: yearly industry-specific tests - become full citizen

If you decide for a non-academic career (also medicine doctors are considered non-academics), then you must go into at least 4 years of mostly practical (4 of the 5 weekdays) and also theoretical industry-specific apprenticeship. It is, of course, the candidates themselves that apply for the tests. Each industry may define 4, 5 or 6 required years. You must pass the 4 yearly 1 day industry-specific tests and the final 5 days industry professional test. Then you are full citizen. Congratulations!

They can have 2 failed attempts for these tests and must not be older than 18 years of what they were when getting ready for schooling.

The companies that offer apprenticeships are paid by the state up to 1/8 BME per candidate citizen. The candidate citizen receives a salary from the state of 1/3 BME in the first + 1/8 BME for each additional year. However, in repetition years (after a failed attempt), there is no salary nor apprenticeship fee to the company paid.

SCS.03.4 Yearly school tests - become advanced candidate citizen

Optionally, and actually at any age as long as being at least school child and not retired, one may pass at least 2 yearly tests and 1 final test week to fulfill advanced generic (candidate) citizen requirements. This a quite more demanding than the basic test. It is the prerequisite to go to an academic career (doctor, cf. P.03.5, or professor of some specialisation) or the advanced and expert industry-specific professional titles. It is, of course, the candidates themselves that apply for the tests.

Most people that want to do it, will do it parallel to P.03.2 (the basic education years) and/or P.03.4 (the basic industry professional education years).

All schooling fees are paid by the state up to 1/8 BME per child/candidate citizen with a 10% participation of the parents. But the schooling is left to private organisations to be provided or be done by the parents themselves.

They can have 1 failed attempt for these tests.

P.03.5 Yearly academic tests - become full doctoral citizen

If you decide for an academic career (you may later switch to still a more industry-related career), then you must have passed the advanced test as per P.03.4 and then go into at least 2 years of specialised theoretical tests. Each academic specialisation may define 4, 5 or 6 required years. You must pass the yearly 1 day tests and the final 5 days doctoral test. Then you are full doctoral citizen. Congratulations!

They can have 1 failed attempt for this test and must not be older than 23 years of what they were when getting ready for schooling.

All schooling fees are paid by the state up to a percentage BME specific for the study specialisation per candidate citizen. But the schooling is left to private organisations to be provided. At that level, however, these must be universities that are accredited by domain 3, science/culture/sports. The candidate citizen receives a salary from the state of 1 BME in the first + 1/2 BME for each additional year. However, in repetition years (after a failed attempt), there is no salary paid.

Note: all further titles (like professorship) and the continuing education programs are managed by domain 3, science/culture/sports.

Comments on P.03 manage childhood (education) until full citizenship

Each human being shall have the opportunity to become a full citizen. And this citizenship is linked to a minimum education. Largly, the motivation must come from the young themselves. But the state pays more or less everything regarding education and even pays the candidate citizens a small salary that allows them to get acquatinted to money and start becoming independent from the parents.

Because every human being, also children, must be present at the community assemblies (cf. C.09.1 Basic communities assemblies) and also the police, domain 4, has the duty to visit each house and property unannounced, mainly to check for hidden human beings, it is assured that there are no uneducated or unregistered human beings in a stablestate.

We do not think that it is a good idea that a school tests its own scholars. Instead, the tests are prepared and done by the domain 3, science, culture and sports in way that is harmonised in the entire stablestate. The administration of this, however, remains with domain 2, persons administration. This ensures to maintain, democratically defined high (or low) standards.

People can choose the more practical way with an apprenticeship to become full citizen. Or they can go the academic path. The academic path shall be reserved for the maybe 10% or so really talented people and is therefore designed rather tough. Doing some high school / college alone is not considered enough and the bachelor or master academic levels we do not think are necessary. If you go the academic path do a doctorate - however, for the practical path there are advanced (equals maybe bachelor) and expert (equals master) career paths foreseen. These, however, are in the realm of domain 3. because they do not influence the legal status of human beings.

Note that companies are required to offer a certain, sufficient number of apprenticeships and the quality of those is monitored - if too low, punishments apply; all managed by domain 3.

In the end, a stablestate has just educated and professional citizens. Those who do not make this, can and shall still lead a decent life and work. However, they do so under the guidance of a custodian (kindof equal to a parent, the patronised kindof equal to a child but with more rights). Also, a patronised cannot marry nor have children. A patronised after 5 years or later can decide to start again the education to become full citizen. But doing so he/she has only one chance - the number of failed attempts are equal, but once again out, then there is no other chance to become full citizen.

We think this is necessary if a real democracy can work. Each member of the democracy must understand processes and dependencies in order to contribute to making good and independent decisions. This is what we want and need. Not a herd of sheep senselessly running behind a lead ram or be shy of dogs or wolves.

P.04 Marriages and divorces

P.04.1 Qualifying to marry

Only unmarried full citizens that are so, both ajectives, for at least 3 years can decide to marry.

P.04.2 Traditional marriage

A traditional marriage knows the man as head of the family who alone acts for the family. The female, as full citizen, freely decides to marry and become wife. Both vow sexual faithfulness and to act in support of the family. The traditional marriage can also be made with the female as head of the family. Rest analogous.

P.04.3 Divorcing a traditional marriage

Each partner of a traditional marriage has the right to divorce by stating a breach of the vow. E.g. sexual unfaithfulness and/or wasting family resources (money). The partner can agree and the divorce happens: assets before marriage are re-attributed, assets aquired during marriage are split 50:50, children go to the partner initiating the divorce. After the divorce, no partner must pay anything to the other; each continues his/her life. If the partner does not agree, the marriage remains and the divorce claim can be made again in 6 months. If the partner still does not agree, the marriage remains and the divorce claim can be made again in 6 months and then, the partner must agree (has no choice) and the marriage is divorced.

The status after divorce is again unmarried.

P.04.4 Modern marriage

The modern marriage is a 50:50 partnership where always both must agree to act. (For small amounts transactions there may be vice-versa blanko agreements).

P.04.5 Divorcing a modern marriage

The divorce can be claimed without reason by 1 partner and it immediately happens. Assets go as in the traditional marriage. Children go as per agreement or by random decision of the secretary. Again, no payments are due after the divorce.

The status after divorce is again unmarried.

P.04.6 Joining a marriage

The multi-marriage is a special form of traditional marriage where additional wifes or husbands can enter the marriage. There a partial divorce can be claimed and only the physical children of the claimer go to her/him. (Likely a model not often used - but who knows)

P.04.6 Partner rights

Married citizens, traditional or modern, can visit each other in hospitals and can take-over acting for the partner in case he/she is physically unable to act. Also a marriage has advantageous taxation impacts - the traditional one a bit more than the modern one.

P.04.7 Overpopulation mode - licences to have children for marriages

The limit of human beings sustainably be able to live on earth is set to 1'000'000'000 (parameter). If this limit is reached and over, largly the case as per year 2022, the stablestate goes into the 'overpopulation mode'.

When the 'overpopulation mode' is active, then the following applies:

We assume 50'000'000 km2 of earth land surface to be inhabitable. So the average ratio is 20 human beings per km2 (parameter). The average life duration is 80 years (parameter). So, we can have 20 / 80 = 1/4 child licences per km2 per year for the entire state. Each month the secretaries state-wide can issue 1/12th of the annual state-wide child licenses to marriages that apply for it.

The licenses are issued to marriages with priority (1) by region of yet lowest density of population, (2) number of children lower than 3 (yes has higher prio than no), (3) time of application state-wide. When there are more applications than licenses available, then the marriage that did not get one must apply next month again if they like. The license is valid for 12 months. If not used, it is given to the most recent unlicensed newborn of the entire state. The implications of this, cf. P.02 register newborn.

Comments on P.04 Marriages and divorces

We think that it is important to be full citizen and at least for some time living as full citizen before one enters into a marriage. Also, this prevents children from going directly from childhood and possibly at a very early age into marriage.

Then, only married people can legally get children in the overpopulation mode. This mode may look strange to some readers. But it is the stablestate's proposed regulation to prevent an overpopulation of human beings on this planet ; in the end to prevent the cruel and negative consequences such an overpopulation has. There may be different and smarter regulations proposed and accepted - but having no regulation is not honest, not correct, not intelligent.

P.05 Manage superannuation

P.05.1 Minimum superannuation age

If you are 58 (parameter), then you can choose to be superannuated.

P.05.2 Maximum age to get superannuated

If you are 70 (parameter), then you are automatically superannuated

P.05.3 The positive effects of being superannuated

Cf. domain 7, finances: (a) The 100% (parameter) median property owned-for-housing per citizen is then tax-freed. (b) The conditionless income you receive is then 1.5 (parameter) BME and you need not work for the community.

P.05.4 The negative effects of being superannuated

Cf. domain 7, finances: (a) You must not get other payments than the conditionless income and maybe additional registered pensions rents. So, you can work but it must be benevolent work. (b) After 5 years of being superannuated, 100% of your property that is not the tax-free owned-for-housing, will go to the state, i.e. there is 100% inheritance 'tax'. This goes linear by years, i.e. after the 1st year, it is 20%, after the second, 40%, etc. Only the property you own-for-housing up to the tax-free limit is inherited by your inheritors. (c) The medical treatments including care paid by the community are limited to pain-relieving measures up to 1.5 (parameter) BME.

P.06 Register death

P.06.1 Medical fact finding of death

When a human being is supposed to be dead, then a registered medical doctor must be called (cf. domain 3, science, culture, sports). The secretary must also be present (called) and makes sure there is really a medical doctor present. If there is the suspicion of a violent death or the identity of the dead is not known, then also the police (domain 4) must be called. In this latter case nobody must touch the body nor objects around it and before the death fact finding, the police must secure all proofs that might be destroyed by the death fact finding.

If the ID is not known, then a new ID is issued and the police mandated to find out the real ID.

Then, the medical doctor does the death fact finding. If dead, then this can be challenged by any citizen. If not dead, of course, immediately emergency measures are taken by the mdeical doctor and likely call for more medical help is then made. In the case of a challenge, a second medical doctor must be organised within 4 hours that can check again.

P.06.2 Register death

If really dead, then this is registered by the secretary.

If there is the suspicion of a violent death confirmed by the medical facts, and the violator not already catched (all citizens may do so in obvious cases and escape trials) then the police is mandated to find out the violator(s). Else the violator goes to the violator process as per domain 5, justice.

P.06.3 Publish death

The death is communicated first in person, if possible, to the nearest 2 levels of relatives and to the nearby neighbours. Then, it is also published on the basic community's truthweb and to the inheritors (if not already notified in person).

P.06.4 Death implications

If the dead has room unit property and is not married, then the police goes and locks/unlocks/protects it all until the inheritors, i.e. new property owners, are able to visit the places and physically get handed-over the property by the police.

All property changes to the inheritors or to the state are immediately and automatically made and active, when the death is registered. Note: Remember that there is no inheritance tax if the dead human being was not already retired. If retired for 1 year, there is 20%, 2/40%, 3/60%, 4/80% and 5 years or more 100% inheritance tax, except for the state-wide median owned-for-housing room-unit size up to which it remains 0%.

An eventual marriage with just a single person left is removed. If 2 or more persons are left, then the head remains if not the dead, else the elder person becomes the head.

P.07 Manage sickness/accident

P.07.1 Small sickness/accident of a working citizen or candidate citizen

A small sickness/accident/(actually whatever, nobody really asks) leave from work up to 3 days goes on the holiday days.

P.07.2 Longer sickness/accident caused absence of a working citizen or candidate citizen

All days longer than the small sickness/accident absence are called longer absences and need a medical proof that can be contested by the employer or secretary. If fine, then these days for citizens are paid like unemployed/working for the state and the employer is exempt from paying the salary for these days. For candidate citizens anyway the salary is paid by the stablestate and just continues.

Also note that the stablestate pays all (medical) measures that enable the human being going back to work. Also protheses or other means to fix problems are paid.

P.07.3 Sickness/accidents before becoming candidate citizen

The stablestate pays all (medical) measures that enable human beings to become candidate citizens. Also protheses or other means to fix problems are paid.

If not able to make the basic test and, hence not able to become candidate citizen, then the community pays only pain-relieving measures including care limited to 1.5 (parameter) BME.

P.07.3 Permanent sickness/accident caused absence of a working citizen or candidate citizen

Some sicknesses/accidents have the fatal consequence that the impacted human being cannot work anymore in the profession where he/she used to work. The stablestate does not believe in 'still able but with reduced pensum' hypotheses. If you have an obvious physical problem (arm damaged), then you simply cannot work anymore as construction worker. With mental issues and other non-obvious problems, however, this might be true or not. So, we enter a 'danger zone': nobody really can tell for sure and everbody can claim whatever. Therefore, a fair treatment for the real impacted and the fake ones is impossible to do with going into those non-proofable issues. The stablestate therefore just stops here. Instead, it offers:

(a) A new apprenticeship to become professional in some other profession at payment by the stablestate like unemployed/working for the state. During this apprenticeship, even years after failed attempts are paid. (But the number of allowed failed attempts is not reduced)

(b) A permanent full helpless support (you may also call it early retirement) as per P.13

P.08 Manage absence

P.08.1 Register absence

One can register an absence (= go abroad, out of the stablestate) of at most 12 months (parameter). When you do this you must pay your taxes for the 12 months in advance but do not get the unregistered absence tax punishment. All longer absences are considered to leave the stablestate and your property goes to the inheritors after what you pay the taxes in advance for. If you pay 0, then the inheritors get your property immediately.

P.08.2 Unregistered absence - tax punishment

An absence is recognised when you do not appear at a basic community assembly. This is no issue for missing 1, but missing 2 or more in a sequence is punished tax-wise. If n is the number of missed basic assemblies in sequence, the weight added to PWi for the citizen is (2(n-1) - 1) * PWih. So, you see it is not good at all to miss 2 or even 3 or more basic assemblies. If you miss 12, then all your property goes to the inheritors. If you miss just 1, then next time you show up, you just pay the taxes for the past and current state-cycle without punishment.

(Likely, such unregistered absences at more than 1 basic assembly is only done purpusefully by people without any property)

The regulations for disappearances, cf. below, also apply.

P.09 Manage disappearance

P.09.1 Register disappearance

Whenever the secretary notices an unregistered absence for the 2nd time in sequence, he makes a call into the basic community, if this person is missed by somebody or, in other words, there is the suspicion that the absence is not wanted. This can also be communicated any time by any of the citizens to the secretary for any human being, also non-citizens that live, maybe also only temporarily, in the basic community. This is then called a disappearance. It suspends tax punishment (of course) and it immediately gives a mandate to the police to find this person, cf. domain 4, police.

The first inheritor immediately becomes the custodian that can act on behalf of the disappeared (e.g. pay salaries for a disappeared company owner).

P.09.2 Unregister disappearance

When the police has found the person and it is proven that the disappearance was not wanted, then we are all happy; except maybe the force-using people that caused the disappearance, they are punished. If the disappearance, however, proves to be 'simulated', then the offender is punished with at least 1 month of untrue behaviour punishment and the tax punishment also applies.

P.09.3 Permanent disappearance

If the police reports that all has been done with no result and 12 months (parameter) have passed, then a person is registered as permanently disappeared and the police can stop its actions. It is still filed and when new knowledge is revealed, the police gets active again.

P.09.4 Assumed dead

When the status of permanent disappearance for a human being is more than 20 years (parameter), then the human being is registered as dead and all actions of P.07 Register death are done - except the medical checks, of course.

P.10 Manage move-in move-out

P.10.1 Move in

In every basic community where you own a room unit or you possess a usage rent contract of a room unit your are automatically considered to have moved-in. And you must attend the basic community assemblies (cf. P.08 and domain 1, constitution, C.09).

P.10.2 Move out

As soon as you sell the last room unit or quit the last usage contract in a basic community you have moved out and cannot attent anymore its assemblies.

P.10.3 Your basic community

The can be citizens without property or usage contracts. Constantly on the move or whatever. Still, they must be registered at 1 basic community - their basic community. And, as consequence, normally attend at least every 2nd assembly (cf. P.07) of their basic community.

P.12 Manage visitors

PM.12.1 Persons can cross the borders free if they have and present their ID when entering the state. People without ID get one (a triplet to be precise, cf. the definition of a human being) and pay the minimum 1 cycle person tax (which covers 1 month staying/travelling in the state).

PM.12.2 Persons can also lodge and travel around in non-Military zones free as long as they do pay for themselves.

PM.12.3 Persons can also work (offer their services) provided the Price battle range rule SC.05.2. is fulfilled.

PM.12.4 Persons can also become residents (not yet citizens), get registered and pay their taxes on possessions namely a work contract. The work contract fulfillment by the employer is then fully protected by the state

PM.12.5 Persons that are residents and work/pay for themselves get the citizenship after 5 years including all benefits if they also pass the language and "state knowledge" tests.

PM.12.6 Persons that do not / cannot pay for themselves and do not / cannot work, but want to stay, are called "helpless". Helpless families are not separated (unless they want to be separated). Helpless people must find a "godfather"/"godmother" who is a citizen. The state official broadcasts the helpless in the basic community and gives them 1 week time to find one. The helpless live at the next state officials that have free room. Each state official must have 2 beds/room available (but can be occupied already).

PM.12.7 Helpless that do not find a "godfather"/"godmother" in 1 week or all is occupied are pushed to the next basic community in geographical direction of their root country (as told, no check but registered on the ID). If this means out of the state, then they are given to the neighbour state. (Never a fly-out).

PM.12.8 Helpless that find a "godfather"/"godmother", are added like "child" family members. They have the right to learn the language, the profession and eventually become Independent.

PM.12.9 Underaged, single helpless and those that have found an apprenticeship but have lost or never had a "godfather/godmother" must not be pushed outside the stable state but stay at an official if need be.

PM.12.10 Every person/visitor can be checked by any state official or other cititzen. If caught without ID (and DNA checking reveals there was never an ID issued), he/she is registered and gets an ID. Also, the status is then checked if still a visitor or a permanent visitor or a regsitered inhabitant and treated accordingly.

P.13 Manage helpless

PM.13.1 C.

P.14 Human beings and ID management

PM.14.1 The stable state issues and verifies person's IDs both physically ('cards') and electronically. This is the basis of all trustworthy communication. Quite easily achieved physically face2face, a bit more challenging electronically. The algorithms implemented for the electronic ID issueing, verification and communications encryption/decryption as well as the devices where they run are issued by the stable state under public control.

PM.14.2 As outlined in the definition of Human being, there can be challenges if some entity is a human being or not. These are treated by the persons administration official. If the final outcome is that an entity is NOT a human being, then this is either treated as an animal or a robot or a human being equivalent (as intelligent and able as or more than a human being). In the latter case, this entity is treated like a human being, but the ID/URL gets an additional indication that it is an equivalent and what kind of equivalent it is ("marsian", etc.). As per current knowledge, there are no such entities. But if once there will be, we shall treat them in truth, respect and peace (or defend ourselves if attacked).

P.15 Animals management

PM.15.1 Domestic animals that can go outhouse (dogs, cats, all kinds of cattle, horses, ...) shall be registered by the owner and chipped. Ownership transfer and death must be announced and reflected. This "animal-ownership" goes into the taxation-relevant calculation as per domain 7 Finances. For all violations of the laws of respect and peace done by a domestic animal, the owner is responsible as if done by himself. PM.15.2 Animals threats: Animals can be a threat because of their behaviour or because they are sick or transport sickmaking other entities (viruses). If such is revealed, announced and verified by the experts from domain 3 Science, there can be measures decided by the Persons admin official: vaccination, quarantaine, catch/transfer, kill. The execution is done by the owner (if there is one) or the responsible for domain 4 Inner Security ("police") and enforced by the "police".

PM.15.3 Wild animals: The stable state requires some "wild areas" according to the domain 1 of constitution C.06.9-10. As long as animals, also possibly deadly ones, are in that areas, they cannot be touched, no measures are possible. If outside, then the stable state shall consider the catch/transfer measure for threating animals into "wild areas" first. Only second, the killing option shall be used. Both executed by the guards (domain 4 Inner Security) but ordered by the Persons management official.

P.16 Robots management

PM.16.1 Each robot that can go outhouse must be registered by the owner. Also, the creator of each "outhouse" robot is registered - the owner of "inhouse" robots can also insist on the creator's registration of such robots. Ownership transfer and destruction must be announced and reflected. This "robots-ownership" goes into the taxation-relevant calculation as per domain 7 Finances. For all violations of the laws of respect and peace done by a robot, the owner is responsible as if done by himself if the robot behaved as per the creator's specification. If not behaving according to the creator's specification, the creator is responsible. PM.16.2 Ronots threats: Robots can be a threat ("killing machines"). If such is revealed, announced and verified by the experts from domain 3 Science, there can be measures decided by the Persons admin official: repair(send to the creator), destroy. The execution is done by the owner (if there is one) or the responsible for domain 4 Inner Security ("police") and enforced by the "police".

PM.16.3 Robots at wartime/robots attacks or "unkown" robots: The stable state head of domain 6 exterior security must react in due time (possibly quicker than PM.16.2) and defend against robots attacks. Usually the measure is: destroy. Also, "unkown", i.e. not owned, robots can appear, single or hords. Then, the head of domain 4 interior security is responsible to destroy.

P.17 Register a new company or association

PM.17.1 A new company or association must have a unique name (URL) and can be founded by a set of citizens and/or other companies/associations. The initial shareholders (person/#shares) or members must be named.

PM.17.2 There are no other forms of juristic persons that 'company' and 'association'. A company has a total capital and number of shares (which can be changed later). An association just belongs to its members per capita.

PM.17.3 When companies or associations are founded or shares ownership or membership changes, then 3 rules apply:

(1) There must be no circular ownerships (e.g. company A owns shares of company B, company B owns shares of company C, company C owns shares of company A)

(2) A natural person can be member of a maximum of 10 (parameter) associations.

(3) There must be at least 1 member in an association and at least 1 share of a company must be owned by another person than the company itself.

If any of those rules would be broken, then the founding or ownership/membership change is refused to happen.

Note1: Each such transaction of founding/ownership/membership change is collected state-wide in each state-decision cycle and put in a temporal (and same-time requests in an arbitrary) sequence. It is requested in state-cycle n (month a) and then becomes effective in state-cycle n+1 (following month b). And each that breaks the rules PM.17.3 simply does not become effective. Instead, the involved persons (natural or juristical) are notified. It is the responsibility of the involved persons to foresee that the rules are not broken and if they still are, the consequences of the transaction not becoming effective is in the full responsibility of the involved persons.

Note2: Taxation-wise (cf. domain Finances), everthing a company or association owns is 'transferred' by the percentage of ownership to its owners. In the end, it all accumulates at the natural persons to pay the taxes. This one of the great simplifications of the taxation system: the are no company/associations taxes.

Note 3: Because per association membership of a natural person, the association's possessions transferred to each member are deducted by 1 'taxation-point' (parameter), we must limit the number of such memberships. Else artificial constructions could be made to get completely tax-freed. Also note that 1 'taxation-point' equals roughly 1'000 CHF (as per initial parametrisation - all subject to democratical changes over time). So, the maximum total tax-free amount per natural person would be 10'000 CHF which seems reasonable. For all those small associations (like a smaller cities sports club) with maybe 200 members, however, it means that it can operate tax-free to a maximum of 200'000 CHF (200 x 1 'taxation-point' = 1'000 CHF) assets. Which is nice and sufficient to allow such non-profit constructions to work well.

P.18 Sell/buy a share of a company, enter/leave an association

PM.18.1 Share transfer: This is requested by current owner and buyer in state-cycle n and will become effective in state-cycle n+1, if not rules PM.17.3 (1)+(3) are violated.

PM.18.2 Membership change: This is requested by the association and person in state-cycle n and will become effective in state-cycle n+1, if not rules PM.17.3 (2)+(3) are violated.

Note: Because the first juristic persons must be founded by natural persons and we have the rules in PM.17.3 effective, it is not possible to have juristic persons that directy and indirectly only belong to other jurstic persons. So, each possession of a juristic person, in the end, goes to at least 1 natural person. This is why we can and should refrain from taxation of juristic persons. Instead, we believe that innovation and economy profits from a free founding of companies and their tax-freeness.

Note: The eventual money transfers involved are of no interest to the state domain 2 Persons admin. And also the domain 7 Finances just executes safely and securely what is being ordered by the involved persons.

P.19 Dissolve a company or association

PM.19.1 The first step of, or otherwise formulated, previous to a dissolution of a jurstic person, all its possessions except the state money account (cf. domain Finances) must be sold. Once this state of a company or association is given, its dissolution can be requested in state-cycle n by the qualified majority (> 66% (parameter)) of its owners. If all is fine, then by state-cycle n+1, the juristic person and its state money account is deleted.

Note: The remaining amount on the state money account is transferred per ownership% to the owners state money accounts by domain 7 Finances

P.20 Change capital or #shares of a company

PM.20.1 Increase: The qualified majority of a company (>= 66% (parameter)) can request that the number of shares and/or capital is increased. Actually, capital is not relevant, as this is only some nominal ('artificial') value. The new shares, initially, belong to the company. However, in state-cycle n, there can also be buy-share requests for the newly created shares. So, the newly created shares, will never belong to the company but already initially to those owners.

PM.20.2 Decrease: The qualified majority of a company (>= 66% (parameter)) can request that the number of shares and/or capital is decreased. This can only be done by the number of shares owned by the company itself. But the transfers to the company (as per PM.18) can be made in the same cycle as the decrease request.

Note: Again, the money transfers involved are of no interest to the state domain 2 Persons admin.
