
From Stable State
Revision as of 20:53, 9 January 2022 by Moser at acm dot org (talk | contribs) (Info overview diagram inserted (from EA model))


This is the alphabetical list of all non-obvious terms used in our pages (and, you know it, most terms are not obvious, neither in our pages nor in day-to-day life). Our glossary definitions pages belong to the rules. This means they can be changed by the democratic process of changing the rules (cf. Constitution, SC.09). Also note that each term definition page defines a main term, which the name of the page, but also related terms on the same page. All the defined terms defined are recognisable as the bold-face noted words.

Information overview
Information overview

Basic community (cf. community)

Built-vs-free-land-ratio (cf. community)

City (cf. community)


Contains, used in a higher-order community contains a sub-community (cf. community)

Cost percentage


Direct sub-community (cf. community)

Higher-order community (cf. community)

Human being

Indirect sub-community (cf. community)


Monthly cost of living

Ownership% of an owner of a company or association


Quarter (cf. community)

Region (cf. community)



Sub-community (cf. community)

Suburb (cf. community)

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